miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008

Wrap up reading

Lesson Plan


It is so much easier to work and develop a classroom when you have everything planned, so why not do a daily lesson plan. What we learn by doing this excercise is that we do not need a lot of material to make a dynamic class, in other words, we can make tons of activities from just 1 reading, which for us teachers is great news.

3 comentarios:

Margaret dijo...

Hey Xochitl
I'm agree with you. With a little imagination and creativity, our job becomes so much easier. As to planning, I can't imagine going into a classroom without some kind of plan.

Sofia dijo...

Hi! Xo, of course it is easier to have a lesson plan before entering our classroom you can tell that. can you believe that there are some teachers who don't plan the class and students suffer the consequences? I'm sure you do. In our experience as students, we can tell which of our teachers come into the classroom with their lesson planned isn't?
Regarding of what we can plan a lot of activities for one lesson it is right because maybe the activity pepared doesn't work and we must have so more activities under the sleeve.


Margaret dijo...

You are absolutely right Sofia. As teachers, we always have to be prepared for the unexpected. Maybe an activity doesn't work or the students take less time,so we need to have Plan B.