Extensive Reading
Extensive reading means non- stop enjoyable reading. But not just reading for pleasure, but reading because it's so easy to do so, and you just enjoy doing it.
Now, in order for students to develop their extensive reading skills they need to be provided with the right materials, this means the teacher should teach them how to enjoy reading by choosing the right material readings, which means easy, understandable and enjoyable for theudents. There are also, some extensive reading materials that have been specially written for this purpose and have reading levels that matches student's reading level.
With this the need of an extensive reading programme seems so obvious, here are the steps to get it done:
- Setting up a library
- Teacher's enouraging students
- Extensive reading tasks
Intensive ReadingReading intensively is reading for specific purposes. Teachers while teaching intensive reading, according to Harmer have these role models:
- Organiser, explain student's the purpose of their reading and give clear instructions of what they are supose to do.
- Observer, students need their space to read, but the teacher should observe their performance from a distance.
- Feedback Organizer, when student's have finished the tasks, teachers should check their performance, in order to be able to give feedback.
- Prompter, when students have finished reading teachers can prompt students in order to clarify texts issues, and make some conscious knwoledge of what they have read.
Nevertheless, if students ask for the meaning of unknown words the teacher should have in mind the following:
- Time limite, you can set your own time limit to look for answer.
- Word/phrase limit, you can answer only certain number of questions.
- Meaning consensus, this is activity that involves team work, each team member help each other and talk about the unknown words, and decide which words they need to look in the dictionary in order to understand the text.
Reading sequencesIntensive reading sequences are useful when you want students to practice specific skills like reading for specific information, or reading for general understanding, comunicative purposes. Reading sequences usually involves more than one reading skill. Teachers must guide students while doing the activities, by asking them to identify the topic, main ideas, or to look for specific information, depending on the skills tha are being promoted.
Reflection:I found extensive reading my favorite so far. I like the idea of helping students to develope their love, passion, curiosity, and concern about reading. Of course you need to teach them how look read for specific purposes and develop other skills, but of course you can give a greater input while using extensive reading as your basic tool, and the intensiveness of reading can come later on, when the students feel already bond to books and new information.