When reading we usually need some background knowledge 'in order to make sense of any text' says Cook. This 'background knowlodge' is called schema. This schema is 'activated' when needed, while we read, this way we can identify what we are reading. In written texts we can use our shemata to identify the type of text we are reading, whether if it's a dictionary, a brochure, a newspaper, a letter, and so on.
Schemata is what makes comunication easier for both writer and reader, or speaker and listener. As we have review before, both writer and reader must have some shared 'background knowlodge' (schema) in order to avoid any comunicative problems. If chemata shared by both parts is lacking, then problems may arise.
Now here we'll revise some aspects that the reader encounters when reading:
Reasons for reading:
Ways of reading:
Processe of reading:
When we read we make usage of different skills, which will be determined by what we are reading. Here are the skills that we come across when reading:
It's very important for teachers to know the process, and the reasons of reading, so it can do a better performance when encouraging student's to read. Obviously, there are more information useful for the teacher to consider, nevertheless this can be a good guidance on how to.
Now here we'll revise some aspects that the reader encounters when reading:
Reasons for reading:
- Instrumental: In this case we read, becuase we are going to use the reading for some useful pupose. You might read some instrutions, directions, a manual.
- Pleasurable: The word explains itself clearly, reading for pleasure this is, like comics, novels, magazines.
Ways of reading:
- Top-down reading: which is just having a panoramic view of what we are reading.
- Bottom-up reading: with this reading, the reader analyzes every single word, and puts them together to creat meaning.
Processe of reading:
When we read we make usage of different skills, which will be determined by what we are reading. Here are the skills that we come across when reading:
- Identifying the topic
- Predicting and guessing
- Reading and listening for general understanding
- Reading and listening for specific information
- Reading and listening for detailed information
- Interpreting text
It's very important for teachers to know the process, and the reasons of reading, so it can do a better performance when encouraging student's to read. Obviously, there are more information useful for the teacher to consider, nevertheless this can be a good guidance on how to.